File System Library

Detailed Description

Created: 23rd May 2006 Updated: 14th January 2007.

This library defines file system components.

The STL-containers provided by the STLSoft libraries include:


struct  filesystem_traits
 Traits for accessing the correct file-system functions for a given character type. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface over the items on the file-system. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
 Value type for the basic_findfile_sequence. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator
 Iterator type for the basic_findfile_sequence supporting the Input Iterator concept. More...
struct  path_compare
 A function class that compares two file-system paths. More...
struct  path_exists
 Predicate that indicates whether a given path exists. More...
class  searchspec_sequence
 Provides multi-pattern functionality over a file-system search sequence class. More...
class  basic_current_directory
 A facade for the platform's basic_current_directory functionality. More...
class  current_directory_scope
 A facade for the platform's current_directory_scope functionality. More...
class  basic_cwd_stack
 Acts as a stack for current working directory changes, setting the current working directory with push(), and resetting to its previous value with pop(). More...
class  basic_file_path_buffer
 Class used for composing and decomposing file-system paths. More...
class  filesystem_traits
 Traits class for file-system operations. More...
class  memory_mapped_file
 A facade for the platform's memory mapped file API. More...
class  basic_path
 Class used for composing and decomposing file-system paths. More...
class  pipe
 A facade for the platform's pipe functionality. More...
class  readdir_sequence
 STL-like readonly sequence based on directory contents. More...
class  searchspec_sequence
 Provides multi-pattern functionality over a file-system search sequence class. More...
class  basic_current_directory_scope
 Current directory scoping class. More...
class  basic_file_path_buffer
 Acts as a buffer with sufficient size for any drive on the host machine. More...
struct  filesystem_traits
 Traits class for file-system operations. More...
struct  path_compare
 A function class that compares two file-system paths. More...
struct  path_exists
 Predicate that indicates whether a given path exists. More...
class  glob_sequence_exception
 The exception-type thrown by unixstl::glob_sequence. More...
class  glob_sequence
 STL-like readonly sequence based on the results of file-system wildcard matches. More...
class  memory_mapped_file
 Facade over the UNIX memory mapped file API. More...
class  basic_path
 Represents a path. More...
class  pipe
 Class which wraps the UNIX pipe() function. More...
class  readdir_sequence_exception
 Exception class thrown by unixstl::readdir_sequence. More...
class  readdir_sequence
 STL-like readonly sequence based on directory contents. More...
class  readdir_sequence::const_iterator
 Iterator for the readdir_sequence class. More...
class  basic_absolute_path
 Converts a relative path to an absolute path. More...
class  basic_current_directory_scope
 Current directory scoping class. More...
class  basic_file_path_buffer
 Acts as a buffer with sufficient size for any drive on the host machine. More...
struct  filesystem_traits
 Traits for accessing the correct file-system functions for a given character type. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface over the items on the file-system. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
 Value type for the basic_findfile_sequence. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator
 Iterator type for the basic_findfile_sequence supporting the Input Iterator concept. More...
class  basic_findvolume_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface over the volumes on a system. More...
class  basic_findvolume_sequence_value_type
 Value type for the basic_findvolume_sequence. More...
class  basic_findvolume_sequence_const_iterator
 Iterator type for the basic_findvolume_sequence, supporting the Input Iterator concept. More...
struct  path_compare
 Binary predicate that compares two file-system paths. More...
struct  path_compare_env
 Binary predicate object that compares two file-system paths, after expanding environment variables in the compared path strings. More...
struct  path_exists
 Unary predicate that indicates whether a given path exists. More...
struct  path_exists_env
 Unary predicate that indicates whether a given path exists, after expanding environment variables in the path string. More...
struct  path_contains_file
 Unary predicate that searches for the existance of a given file in the directory presented in its function call argument. More...
class  memory_mapped_file
 Facade over the Win32 memory mapped file API. More...
class  basic_path
 Class used for composing and decomposing file-system paths. More...
class  pipe
 Class which wraps the Win32 pipe kernel object. More...
find_data_type const & get_find_data () const
char_type const * get_filename () const
 Returns the filename part of the item.
char_type const * get_short_filename () const
 Returns the short form of the filename part of the item.
char_type const * get_path () const
 Returns the full path of the item.
char_type const * c_str () const
 Returns the full path of the item.
 operator char_type const * () const
 Implicit conversion to a pointer-to-const of the full path.
bool is_directory () const
 Indicates whether the entry is a directory.
bool is_file () const
 Indicates whether the entry is a file.
bool is_read_only () const
 Indicates whether the entry is read-only.
bool equal (char_type const *rhs) const
bool equal (class_type const &rhs) const


basic_findfile_sequence< char,
filesystem_traits< char >
, throw_internet_exception_policy > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t >
, throw_internet_exception_policy > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
basic_findfile_sequence< TCHAR,
filesystem_traits< TCHAR >
, throw_internet_exception_policy > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence
< wchar_t,
filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence
filesystem_traits< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_file_lines< char > file_lines_a
 Specialisation of the basic_file_lines template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_file_lines< wchar_t > file_lines_w
 Specialisation of the basic_file_lines template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef file_lines_w wfile_lines
 Alias for platformstl::file_lines_w;.
< char, filesystem_traits
< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
< char, filesystem_traits
< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ambient UNIX character type char.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< char,
< char >::allocator_type > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< wchar_t,
< wchar_t >::allocator_type > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< char,
< char >::allocator_type > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_path< char,
filesystem_traits< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_path< wchar_t,
filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_path< char,
filesystem_traits< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_absolute_path< char > absolute_path_a
 Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_absolute_path
< wchar_t > 
 Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_absolute_path
< TCHAR > 
 Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
< char, filesystem_traits
< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
< TCHAR, filesystem_traits
< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< char, processheap_allocator
< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< wchar_t,
processheap_allocator< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_file_path_buffer
< TCHAR, processheap_allocator
< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ambeint character type TCHAR.
basic_findfile_sequence< char,
filesystem_traits< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
basic_findfile_sequence< TCHAR,
filesystem_traits< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
< char, filesystem_traits
< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
< TCHAR, filesystem_traits
< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_path< char,
filesystem_traits< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_path< wchar_t,
filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_path< TCHAR,
filesystem_traits< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.


template<typename S>
bool_t create_directory_recurse (S const &dir)
 Creates the given directory, and any intermediate directories that do not exist.
template<typename S>
bool_t remove_directory_recurse (S const &dir)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_read_shared_a (char const *fileName, int shareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_read_shared_w (wchar_t const *fileName, int shareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_exclusive_a (char const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_exclusive_w (wchar_t const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
int open_file_read_shared (char const *fileName, int shareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
int open_file_read_shared (wchar_t const *fileName, int shareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
int open_file_exclusive (char const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
int open_file_exclusive (wchar_t const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
bool create_directory_recurse (char const *dir, unsigned short mode=0755)
 Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.
template<typename S>
bool create_directory_recurse (S const &dir, unsigned short mode=0755)
 Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.
bool remove_directory_recurse (char const *dir, int(*pfn)(void *param, charconst *subDir, struct stat const *st, struct dirent const *de, int err), void *param)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
bool remove_directory_recurse (char const *dir)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (basic_path< C, T, A > const &lhs, typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *lhs, basic_path< C, T, A > const &rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (basic_path< C, T, A > const &lhs, basic_path< C, T, A > const &rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
bool create_directory_recurse (char const *dir, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa=NULL)
 Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.
bool create_directory_recurse (wchar_t const *dir, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa=NULL)
 Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.
template<typename S>
bool create_directory_recurse (S const &dir, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa=NULL)
 Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.
bool remove_directory_recurse (char const *dir, int(*pfn)(void *param, charconst *subDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAA const *st, DWORD err), void *param)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
bool remove_directory_recurse (wchar_t const *dir, int(*pfn)(void *param, wchar_tconst *subDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAW const *st, DWORD err), void *param)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
bool remove_directory_recurse (wchar_t const *dir)
 Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.
STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_read_shared_a (char const *fileName, DWORD dwShareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_read_shared_w (wchar_t const *fileName, DWORD dwShareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_exclusive_a (char const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_exclusive_w (wchar_t const *fileName)
 Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.
HANDLE open_file_read_shared (char const *fileName, DWORD dwShareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
HANDLE open_file_read_shared (wchar_t const *fileName, DWORD dwShareMode)
 Opens an existing file for shared read access.
template<typename S1, typename S2>
ws_uint64_t load_text_file (S1 const &fileName, S2 &contents)
 Loads a text file into a string.
template<typename S, typename C>
C & readlines (S const &fileName, C &container)
 Reads the lines of a text-file into a sequence container.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (basic_path< C, T, A > const &lhs, typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *lhs, basic_path< C, T, A > const &rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
basic_path< C, T, A > operator/ (basic_path< C, T, A > const &lhs, basic_path< C, T, A > const &rhs)
 Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.
template<typename S, typename C>
size_t path_squeeze (S const &path, C *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Squeezes a path into a fixed length character buffer.

Typedef Documentation

typedef basic_absolute_path<TCHAR> absolute_path

Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_absolute_path< char > absolute_path_a

Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_absolute_path< wchar_t > absolute_path_w

Specialisation of the basic_absolute_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope<TCHAR, filesystem_traits<TCHAR> > current_directory_scope

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope<char, filesystem_traits<char> > current_directory_scope

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ambient UNIX character type char.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope< char , filesystem_traits< char > > current_directory_scope_a

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope< char , filesystem_traits< char > > current_directory_scope_a

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > current_directory_scope_w

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_current_directory_scope< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > current_directory_scope_w

Specialisation of the basic_current_directory_scope template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_file_lines< char > file_lines_a

Specialisation of the basic_file_lines template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_file_lines< wchar_t > file_lines_w

Specialisation of the basic_file_lines template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer<TCHAR, processheap_allocator<TCHAR> > file_path_buffer

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ambeint character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer< char , stlsoft:: allocator_selector < char >::allocator_type> file_path_buffer

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer< char , processheap_allocator< char > > file_path_buffer_a

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer< char , stlsoft:: allocator_selector < char >::allocator_type> file_path_buffer_a

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer< wchar_t , processheap_allocator< wchar_t > > file_path_buffer_w

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_file_path_buffer< wchar_t , stlsoft:: allocator_selector < wchar_t >::allocator_type> file_path_buffer_w

Specialisation of the basic_file_path_buffer template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence<TCHAR, filesystem_traits<TCHAR> > findfile_sequence

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence<TCHAR , filesystem_traits<TCHAR> , throw_internet_exception_policy > findfile_sequence

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence< char , filesystem_traits< char > > findfile_sequence_a

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence< char , filesystem_traits< char > , throw_internet_exception_policy > findfile_sequence_a

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > findfile_sequence_w

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_findfile_sequence< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > , throw_internet_exception_policy > findfile_sequence_w

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_findvolume_sequence<TCHAR, filesystem_traits<TCHAR> > findvolume_sequence

Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_findvolume_sequence< char , filesystem_traits< char > > findvolume_sequence_a

Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_findvolume_sequence< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > findvolume_sequence_w

Specialisation of the basic_findvolume_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence<TCHAR , throw_internet_exception_policy , filesystem_traits<TCHAR> > ftpdir_sequence

Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence< wchar_t , throw_internet_exception_policy , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > ftpdir_sequence_w

Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_path<TCHAR, filesystem_traits<TCHAR> > path

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.

typedef basic_path< char , filesystem_traits< char > > path

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_path< char , filesystem_traits< char > > path_a

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_path< char , filesystem_traits< char > > path_a

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef basic_path< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > path_w

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef basic_path< wchar_t , filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > path_w

Specialisation of the basic_path template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.

typedef file_lines_w wfile_lines

Function Documentation

char_type const* c_str (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the full path of the item.

bool winstl::create_directory_recurse ( S const &  dir,
) [inline]

Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.

dir The path of the directory to create
lpsa The security attributes with which each directory is to be created

References winstl::create_directory_recurse(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

bool winstl::create_directory_recurse ( wchar_t const *  dir,
) [inline]

Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.

dir The path of the directory to create
lpsa The security attributes with which each directory is to be created

bool winstl::create_directory_recurse ( char const *  dir,
) [inline]

Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.

dir The path of the directory to create
lpsa The security attributes with which each directory is to be created

Referenced by winstl::create_directory_recurse(), and platformstl::create_directory_recurse().

bool unixstl::create_directory_recurse ( S const &  dir,
unsigned short  mode = 0755 
) [inline]

Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.

dir The path of the directory to create
mode The permissions with which each directory is to be created

References unixstl::c_str_ptr(), unixstl::create_directory_recurse(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

bool unixstl::create_directory_recurse ( char const *  dir,
unsigned short  mode = 0755 
) [inline]

Creates the given directory, including all its parent directories, applying the given mode.

dir The path of the directory to create
mode The permissions with which each directory is to be created

Referenced by unixstl::create_directory_recurse(), and platformstl::create_directory_recurse().

bool_t platformstl::create_directory_recurse ( S const &  dir  )  [inline]

Creates the given directory, and any intermediate directories that do not exist.

References winstl::create_directory_recurse(), and unixstl::create_directory_recurse().

char_type const* get_filename (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the filename part of the item.

find_data_type const& get_find_data (  )  const [inherited]


Returns a non-mutating reference to find-data

char_type const* get_path (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the full path of the item.

char_type const* get_short_filename (  )  const [inherited]

Returns the short form of the filename part of the item.

bool is_directory (  )  const [inherited]

Indicates whether the entry is a directory.

bool is_file (  )  const [inherited]

Indicates whether the entry is a file.

bool is_read_only (  )  const [inherited]

Indicates whether the entry is read-only.

ws_uint64_t winstl::load_text_file ( S1 const &  fileName,
S2 &  contents 
) [inline]

Loads a text file into a string.

fileName The name/path of the text file to load. Can be nul-terminated C-style string, or a string object
contents A reference to a string instance into which the contents will be loaded (with the assign() method)
The number of bytes read from the file
std::string       contents;
winstl::uint64_t  numBytes = winstl::load_text_file("mytextfile.ext", contents);

The character type of the text file is assumed (and controlled) to be that of the contents parameter. For example, if contents is of type std::wstring then the file will be processed as if it contains wchar_t.
When used with a compiler that does not support partial template specialisation, the use of string types for which explicit specialisations are not defined will fail. Hence, using stlsoft::simple_string (which is the specialisation stlsoft::basic_simple_string<char>) will succeed because a specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits exists for that type. The same applies for stlsoft::simple_wstring, std::string and std::wstring. However, if you attempt to use a specialisation of a string class template for which an explicit specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits does not exist then you will experience a compile-time error in the implementation of winstl::load_text_file_impl(). To correct this, you must either provide an explicit specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits for your type, or use a type for which a specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits does exist.

This problem does not occur for compilers that support partial template specialisation.

Referenced by winstl::readlines().

int stlsoft::open_file_exclusive ( wchar_t const *  fileName  )  [inline]

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.

References unixstl__open_file_exclusive_w().

int stlsoft::open_file_exclusive ( char const *  fileName  )  [inline]

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.

References unixstl__open_file_exclusive_a().

HANDLE winstl::open_file_read_shared ( wchar_t const *  fileName,
DWORD  dwShareMode 
) [inline]

Opens an existing file for shared read access.

References winstl__open_file_read_shared_w().

HANDLE winstl::open_file_read_shared ( char const *  fileName,
DWORD  dwShareMode 
) [inline]

Opens an existing file for shared read access.

References winstl__open_file_read_shared_a().

int stlsoft::open_file_read_shared ( wchar_t const *  fileName,
int  shareMode 
) [inline]

Opens an existing file for shared read access.

References unixstl__open_file_read_shared_w().

int stlsoft::open_file_read_shared ( char const *  fileName,
int  shareMode 
) [inline]

Opens an existing file for shared read access.

References unixstl__open_file_read_shared_a().

operator char_type const * (  )  const [inherited]

Implicit conversion to a pointer-to-const of the full path.

basic_path<C, T, A> winstl::operator/ ( basic_path< C, T, A > const &  lhs,
basic_path< C, T, A > const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

basic_path<C, T, A> winstl::operator/ ( typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *  lhs,
basic_path< C, T, A > const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

basic_path<C, T, A> winstl::operator/ ( basic_path< C, T, A > const &  lhs,
typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

basic_path<C, T, A> unixstl::operator/ ( basic_path< C, T, A > const &  lhs,
basic_path< C, T, A > const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

basic_path<C, T, A> unixstl::operator/ ( typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *  lhs,
basic_path< C, T, A > const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

basic_path<C, T, A> unixstl::operator/ ( basic_path< C, T, A > const &  lhs,
typename basic_path< C, T, A >::char_type const *  rhs 
) [inline]

Concatenates rhs to the path lhs.

size_t winstl::path_squeeze ( S const &  path,
C *  buffer,
size_t  cchBuffer 
) [inline]

Squeezes a path into a fixed length character buffer.

path The path
buffer Pointer to the buffer into which the sqeezed path will be written. If NULL, function returns required size (=== len(path) + 1)
cchBuffer The number of available characters inc buffer. This value in inclusive of the required nul-terminator
The number of characters required (if buffer is NULL), or the number of characters written (if buffer is non-NULL). In both cases, it includes the one required for the nul-terminator
The squeeze algorithm is as follows. The path is split into volume+directory and file+ext. If the buffer is too small to fit the file+ext, then the result will be a squeezed form of file+ext. If the buffer is too small to fit the volume+...+file+ext, then the result will be file+ext. If the buffer is too small to fit the entire path, then the result will be volume+part_of_directory+...+file+ext. Otherwise the result will be the full path.

C& winstl::readlines ( S const &  fileName,
C &  container 
) [inline]

Reads the lines of a text-file into a sequence container.

fileName The name of the text-file to load
container Reference to the sequence container to which each line read from fileName will be appended (via its push_back() method)
The container reference
std::vector<std::string>  lines;

winstl::readlines("mytextfile.ext", lines);

The container type's value_type must provide a two-parameter constructor whose parameters types are char_type const* (where char_type is the value_type of the string type S) and size_t, indicating the pointer to the beginning and the length of the C-style string that represents the line read from the file denoted by fileName.
When used with a compiler that does not support partial template specialisation, the use of string types for which explicit specialisations are not defined will fail. Hence, using stlsoft::simple_string (which is the specialisation stlsoft::basic_simple_string<char>) will succeed because a specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits exists for that type. The same applies for stlsoft::simple_wstring, std::string and std::wstring. However, if you attempt to use a specialisation of a string class template for which an explicit specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits does not exist then you will experience a compile-time error in the implementation of winstl::load_text_file_impl(). To correct this, you must either provide an explicit specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits for your type, or use a type for which a specialisation of stlsoft::string_traits does exist.

This problem does not occur for compilers that support partial template specialisation.

References winstl::load_text_file().

bool winstl::remove_directory_recurse ( wchar_t const *  dir  )  [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

References winstl::remove_directory_recurse().

bool winstl::remove_directory_recurse ( wchar_t const *  dir,
int(*)(void *param, wchar_tconst *subDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAW const *st, DWORD err)  pfn,
void *  param 
) [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

bool winstl::remove_directory_recurse ( char const *  dir,
int(*)(void *param, charconst *subDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAA const *st, DWORD err)  pfn,
void *  param 
) [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

dir The path of the directory to remove.
pfn Pointer to a callback function, which will receive notifications and requests for file/directory deletion. The semantics of the parameters are specified in the note below.
param Caller-supplied parameter, always passed through to the callback function pfn.
If no callback function is specified, then the function will remove only empty subdirectories, i.e. no files will be removed. To remove files, a function must be supplied, and may take additional measures (such as changing file attributes) before the deletion is attempted by remove_directory_recurse(). Do not delete the file in the callback, otherwise the attempt within remove_directory_recurse() will fail, and the function will report overall failure of the operation.

The semantics of the callback function's parameters are as follows:

  • If the err param is ~0 (-1 on UNIX), then the dir param specifies the name of the current directory being traversed. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is 0 and the st param is NULL, then dir specifies the name of a directory that has been successfully removed. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is 0 and the st param is not NULL, then dir specifies the name of the currently traversing directory, and st specifies the stat information for the entry to be deleted. Return true to enable removal of this entry, or false to prevent removal (and cancel the overall operation). All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is any other value, and the st param is NULL, then the dir param specifies the name of a directory that could not be deleted and err specifies the errno value associated with the failure. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is any other value, and the st param is not NULL, then the dir param specifies the name of a directory within which an entry could not be deleted, st specifies the stat information of the entry that could not be deleted, and err specifies the errno value associated with the failure. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.

Referenced by winstl::remove_directory_recurse(), and platformstl::remove_directory_recurse().

bool unixstl::remove_directory_recurse ( char const *  dir  )  [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

References unixstl::remove_directory_recurse().

bool unixstl::remove_directory_recurse ( char const *  dir,
int(*)(void *param, charconst *subDir, struct stat const *st, struct dirent const *de, int err)  pfn,
void *  param 
) [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

dir The path of the directory to remove.
pfn Pointer to a callback function, which will receive notifications and requests for file/directory deletion. The semantics of the parameters are specified in the note below.
param Caller-supplied parameter, always passed through to the callback function pfn.
If no callback function is specified, then the function will remove only empty subdirectories, i.e. no files will be removed. To remove files, a function must be supplied, and may take additional measures (such as changing file attributes) before the deletion is attempted by remove_directory_recurse(). Do not delete the file in the callback, otherwise the attempt within remove_directory_recurse() will fail, and the function will report overall failure of the operation.

The semantics of the callback function's parameters are as follows:

  • If the err param is ~0 (-1 on UNIX), then the dir param specifies the name of the current directory being traversed. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is 0 and the st param is NULL, then dir specifies the name of a directory that has been successfully removed. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is 0 and the st param is not NULL, then dir specifies the name of the currently traversing directory, st specifies the stat information for the entry to be deleted, and de specifies the name of the entry within directory dir that is a candidate for removal. Return true to enable removal of this entry, or false to prevent removal (and cancel the overall operation). All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is any other value, and the st param is NULL, then the dir param specifies the name of a directory that could not be deleted and err specifies the errno value associated with the failure. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.
  • If the err param is any other value, and the st param is not NULL, then the dir param specifies the name of a directory within which an entry could not be deleted, st specifies the stat information of the entry that could not be deleted, de specifies the name of the entry that could not be deleted, and err specifies the errno value associated with the failure. All other params are unspecified (except param). The return value is ignored.

Referenced by unixstl::remove_directory_recurse(), and platformstl::remove_directory_recurse().

bool_t platformstl::remove_directory_recurse ( S const &  dir  )  [inline]

Removes the given directory, and all its subdirectories.

References winstl::remove_directory_recurse(), and unixstl::remove_directory_recurse().

STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_exclusive_a ( char const *  fileName  ) 

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.

References unixstl__open_file_read_shared_a().

Referenced by stlsoft::open_file_exclusive().

STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_exclusive_w ( wchar_t const *  fileName  ) 

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.

References unixstl__open_file_read_shared_w().

Referenced by stlsoft::open_file_exclusive().

STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_read_shared_a ( char const *  fileName,
int  shareMode 

Opens an existing file for shared read access.


Referenced by stlsoft::open_file_read_shared(), and unixstl__open_file_exclusive_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int unixstl__open_file_read_shared_w ( wchar_t const *  fileName,
int  shareMode 

Opens an existing file for shared read access.


Referenced by stlsoft::open_file_read_shared(), and unixstl__open_file_exclusive_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_exclusive_a ( char const *  fileName  ) 

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.


STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_exclusive_w ( wchar_t const *  fileName  ) 

Opens an existing file for exclusive read access.


STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_read_shared_a ( char const *  fileName,
DWORD  dwShareMode 

Opens an existing file for shared read access.


Referenced by winstl::open_file_read_shared().

STLSOFT_INLINE HANDLE winstl__open_file_read_shared_w ( wchar_t const *  fileName,
DWORD  dwShareMode 

Opens an existing file for shared read access.


Referenced by winstl::open_file_read_shared().

Generated on Thu Jun 10 08:58:18 2010 for STLSoft by  doxygen 1.5.6