String Library

Detailed Description

Created: 6th June 2006 Updated: 14th January 2007.

This library defines strings that extend the STL.

The strings provided by the STLSoft libraries include:


class  ccombstr_veneer
 Applies standard string (std::basic_string) interface to the CComBSTR class. More...
class  c_string_accessor
 Template providing scoped C-string access to a String. More...
class  grab_cstring_buffer
 Scopes the aquisition and release of a CString buffer. More...
class  resource_string
 Instances of this class represent Windows string resources, and are constructed from instance identifiers. More...
struct  char_alt_traits
 Traits for determining the alternate character type. More...
struct  stlsoft_char_traits
 Character traits. More...
struct  stlsoft_char_traits_safe
 Character traits, all of the operations of which can work with null pointers. More...
struct  char_traits
 Character traits, all of the operations of which can work with null pointers. More...
struct  char_traits_safe
 Character traits, all of the operations of which can work with null pointers. More...
struct  charset_comparator
 Comparator for the stlsoft::charset_tokeniser class template. More...
class  charset_tokeniser
 A class template that provides string tokenising behaviour, where the delimiter is a character set, a la strtok(). More...
struct  cstring_maker
 Utility class that creates/destroys fixed-size C-strings for other classes. More...
class  fsc_seed
 This is used as a seed when namespace issues make the selection of the fast_string_concatenator overloads of operator +() ambiguous. More...
class  fast_string_concatenator
 Expression template class which provides fast string concatenation. More...
struct  quoter
 Unary function class that returns a quoted form of its argument, if the argument contains spaces. More...
class  basic_shim_string
 An implementation class, which provides efficient intermediate string objects for conversion shims. More...
class  basic_simple_string
 Simple string class. More...
class  special_string_instance_0
 Special string instance class template. More...
class  special_string_instance_1
 Special string instance class template. More...
class  basic_static_string
 Simple string class using fixed-size static-based storage. More...
struct  string_tokeniser_ignore_blanks
 A tokenising policy for specifying whether blanks will be included or ignored (now deprecated; replaced by skip_blank_tokens). More...
struct  skip_blank_tokens
 A tokenising policy for specifying whether blanks will be included or ignored. More...
struct  string_tokeniser_type_traits
 A traits class for detecting features of the string type and the value type used to specialise string_tokeniser. More...
struct  string_tokeniser_comparator
 A generic comparator, used to specialise string_tokeniser, that covers most string and delimiter types. More...
class  string_tokeniser
 A class template that provides string tokenising behaviour. More...
struct  string_traits
 Traits for determining the characteristics of strings. More...
class  basic_string_view
 A string class that holds no internal storage, and merely represents a window into other string storage. More...
class  exception_string
 Minimalist string class for use within exception classes. More...
class  basic_resource_string
 Instances of this class represent Windows string resources, and are constructed from instance identifiers. More...


STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_w (wchar_t const *s)
 [C only] Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string
STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_len_w (wchar_t const *s, size_t len)
 [C only] Creates a BSTR from a (part of a) Unicode string
STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_a (char const *s)
 [C only] Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string
STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_len_a (char const *s, size_t len)
 [C only] Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string
STLSOFT_INLINE void comstl__bstr_destroy (BSTR bstr)
 [C only] Destroys a BSTR
STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_dup (BSTR bstr)
 [C only] Duplicates a BSTR
STLSOFT_INLINE int comstl__bstr_compare (BSTR s1, BSTR s2)
 [C only] Compares two BSTR strings
BSTR bstr_create_w (wchar_t const *s)
 Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.
BSTR bstr_create_w (wchar_t const *s, size_t len)
 Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.
BSTR bstr_create_a (char const *s)
 Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.
BSTR bstr_create_a (char const *s, size_t len)
 Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.
BSTR bstr_create (char const *s)
 Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.
BSTR bstr_create (char const *s, size_t len)
 Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.
BSTR bstr_create (wchar_t const *s)
 Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.
BSTR bstr_create (wchar_t const *s, size_t len)
 Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.
void bstr_destroy (BSTR bstr)
 Destroys a BSTR.
BSTR bstr_dup (BSTR bstr)
 Duplicates a BSTR.
int bstr_compare (BSTR s1, BSTR s2)
 Compares two BSTR strings.
STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_create_a (char const *s)
 [C only] Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string
STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_create_w (wchar_t const *s)
 [C only] Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string
STLSOFT_INLINE void comstl__olestring_destroy (LPOLESTR posz)
 [C only] Destroys an OLE string
STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_dup (LPCOLESTR posz)
 [C only] Duplicates an OLE string
LPOLESTR olestring_create_a (char const *s)
 Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string.
LPOLESTR olestring_create_w (wchar_t const *s)
 Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string.
LPOLESTR olestring_create (char const *s)
 Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string.
LPOLESTR olestring_create (wchar_t const *s)
 Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string.
void olestring_destroy (LPOLESTR posz)
 Destroys an OLE string.
LPOLESTR olestring_dup (LPCOLESTR posz)
 Duplicates an OLE string.
template<typename S>
S & make_upper (S &s)
 Converts all characters in the string to upper case.
template<typename S>
S & make_lower (S &s)
 Converts all characters in the string to lower case.
template<typename S>
to_upper (S const &s)
 Returns a copy of the source string in which all characters have been converted to upper case.
template<typename S>
to_lower (S const &s)
 Returns a copy of the source string in which all characters have been converted to lower case.
template<typename S>
left (S const &s, size_t n)
template<typename S>
right (S const &s, size_t n)
template<typename S>
mid (S const &s, size_t pos, size_t n)
< char > 
left (char const *s, size_t n)
< char > 
left (char *s, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
left (wchar_t const *s, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
left (wchar_t *s, size_t n)
< char > 
right (char const *s, size_t n)
< char > 
right (char *s, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
right (wchar_t const *s, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
right (wchar_t *s, size_t n)
< char > 
mid (char const *s, size_t pos, size_t n)
< char > 
mid (char *s, size_t pos, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
mid (wchar_t const *s, size_t pos, size_t n)
< wchar_t > 
mid (wchar_t *s, size_t pos, size_t n)
template<typename C>
size_t copy_contents (C *dest, size_t cchDest, C const *src, size_t cchSource)
 Utility function for copying C-string contents into a caller supplied buffer, which may be NULL to measure the required extent.
template<typename C, typename A>
C * string_dup (C const *str, size_t cch, A &ator)
 Allocates a copy of the string, using the given allocator.
template<typename C, typename A>
C * string_dup (C const *str, A &ator, size_t *psize=NULL)
 Allocates a copy of the string, using the given allocator.
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
C const * c_str_ptr_null (basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &s)
 Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s, or a null pointer.
template<typename T, typename A>
char const * c_str_ptr_null_a (basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &s)
 char variant of c_str_ptr_null for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename T, typename A>
wchar_t const * c_str_ptr_null_w (basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &s)
 wchar_t variant of c_str_ptr_null for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
C const * c_str_ptr (basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &s)
 Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s.
template<typename T, typename A>
char const * c_str_ptr_a (basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &s)
 char variant of c_str_ptr for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename T, typename A>
wchar_t const * c_str_ptr_w (basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &s)
 wchar_t variant of c_str_ptr for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
C const * c_str_data (basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &s)
 Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s.
template<typename T, typename A>
char const * c_str_data_a (basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &s)
 char variant of c_str_data for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename T, typename A>
wchar_t const * c_str_data_w (basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &s)
 wchar_t variant of c_str_data for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename C, typename T, typename A>
size_t c_str_len (basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &s)
 Returns the length (in characters) of s, not including the null-terminating character.
template<typename T, typename A>
size_t c_str_len_a (basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &s)
 char variant of c_str_len for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename T, typename A>
size_t c_str_len_w (basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &s)
 wchar_t variant of c_str_len for basic_simple_string specialisations
template<typename S1, typename S2, typename C>
bool split (S1 const &s, C delim, S2 &s0, S2 &s1)
 Splits a string into two, at the first incidence of a delimiter.
template<typename S1, typename S2, typename C>
ss_uint_t split (S1 const &s, C delim, S2 &s0, S2 &s1, S2 &s2)
 Splits a string into three, at first two incidences of a delimiter.
template<typename S1, typename S2, typename C>
ss_uint_t split (S1 const &s, C delim, S2 &s0, S2 &s1, S2 &s2, S2 &s3)
 Splits a string into four, at first three incidences of a delimiter.
template<typename S1, typename S2, typename C>
ss_uint_t split (S1 const &s, C delim, S2 &s0, S2 &s1, S2 &s2, S2 &s3, S2 &s4)
 Splits a string into five, at first four incidences of a delimiter.
template<typename S1, typename S2, typename C>
ss_uint_t split (S1 const &s, C delim, S2 &s0, S2 &s1, S2 &s2, S2 &s3, S2 &s4, S2 &s5)
 Splits a string into six, at first five incidences of a delimiter.
template<typename S, typename C>
static_array_1d< S, 2 > split (S const &s, C delim)
 Splits a string into two, at the first incidence of a delimiter.
template<typename C>
C const * find_next_token (C const *&p0, C const *&p1, C const *const end, C delim)
 Adjusts the delimiters into a token string to find the next token, according to the given delimiter.
template<typename C>
bool find_next_token (C const *&p0, C const *&p1, C delim)
 Adjusts the delimiters into a token string to find the next token, according to the given delimiter.
template<typename S>
S & trim_left (S &str)
 Trims all the leading whitespace characters, if any, from a string.
template<typename S0, typename S1>
S0 & trim_left (S0 &str, S1 const &trimChars)
template<typename S>
S & trim_right (S &str)
 Trims all the trailing whitespace characters, if any, from a string.
template<typename S0, typename S1>
S0 & trim_right (S0 &str, S1 const &trimChars)
template<typename S>
S & trim_all (S &str)
 Trims all the leading and trailing whitespace characters, if any, from a string.
template<typename S0, typename S1>
S0 & trim_all (S0 &str, S1 const &trimChars)
template<typename S>
S & remove_all (S &str)
template<typename S0, typename S1>
S0 & remove_all (S0 &str, S1 const &removeChars)
basic_string_view< char > left_view (char const *s, size_t n)
basic_string_view< wchar_t > left_view (wchar_t const *s, size_t n)
basic_string_view< char > right_view (char const *s, size_t n)
basic_string_view< wchar_t > right_view (wchar_t const *s, size_t n)
basic_string_view< char > mid_view (char const *s, size_t start, size_t n)
basic_string_view< wchar_t > mid_view (wchar_t const *s, size_t start, size_t n)
exception_string operator+ (exception_string const &lhs, exception_string::char_type const *rhs)
 Adds a C-style string to an exception_string.
exception_string operator+ (exception_string::char_type lhs, exception_string const &rhs)
 Adds an exception_string to a character.
exception_string operator+ (exception_string const &lhs, exception_string::char_type rhs)
 Adds a character to an exception_string.
exception_string operator+ (exception_string::char_type const *lhs, exception_string const &rhs)
 Adds an exception_string to a C-style string.
exception_string operator+ (exception_string const &lhs, exception_string const &rhs)
 Adds an exception_string to an exception_string.

Function Documentation

int comstl::bstr_compare ( BSTR  s1,
BSTR  s2 
) [inline]

Compares two BSTR strings.

s1 The first BSTR to compare. May be NULL
s2 The second BSTR to compare. May be NULL
An integer value representing the relationship between the strings
Return values:
<0 s1 is lexicographically less than s2
0 s1 is lexicographically equal than s2
>0 s1 is lexicographically greater than s2

References comstl__bstr_compare().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create ( wchar_t const *  s,
size_t  len 
) [inline]

Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR

References comstl::bstr_create_w().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create ( wchar_t const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR

References comstl::bstr_create_w().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create ( char const *  s,
size_t  len 
) [inline]

Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR

References comstl::bstr_create_a().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create ( char const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR

References comstl::bstr_create_a().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create_a ( char const *  s,
size_t  len 
) [inline]

Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_len_a().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create_a ( char const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_a().

Referenced by comstl::bstr_create().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create_w ( wchar_t const *  s,
size_t  len 
) [inline]

Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_len_w().

BSTR comstl::bstr_create_w ( wchar_t const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_w().

Referenced by comstl::bstr_create().

void comstl::bstr_destroy ( BSTR  bstr  )  [inline]

Destroys a BSTR.

bstr The BSTR to destroy

References comstl__bstr_destroy().

BSTR comstl::bstr_dup ( BSTR  bstr  )  [inline]

Duplicates a BSTR.

bstr The BSTR to duplicate
The copied BSTR

References comstl__bstr_dup().

C const* stlsoft::c_str_data ( basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s.

References basic_simple_string::data().

char const* stlsoft::c_str_data_a ( basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

char variant of c_str_data for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_data().

wchar_t const* stlsoft::c_str_data_w ( basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

wchar_t variant of c_str_data for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_data().

size_t stlsoft::c_str_len ( basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns the length (in characters) of s, not including the null-terminating character.

References basic_simple_string::length().

size_t stlsoft::c_str_len_a ( basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

char variant of c_str_len for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_len().

size_t stlsoft::c_str_len_w ( basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

wchar_t variant of c_str_len for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_len().

C const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr ( basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s.

References basic_simple_string::c_str().

char const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr_a ( basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

char variant of c_str_ptr for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_ptr().

C const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr_null ( basic_simple_string< C, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns the corresponding C-string pointer of s, or a null pointer.

References basic_simple_string::c_str(), and basic_simple_string::length().

char const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr_null_a ( basic_simple_string< char, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

char variant of c_str_ptr_null for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_ptr_null().

wchar_t const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr_null_w ( basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

wchar_t variant of c_str_ptr_null for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_ptr_null().

wchar_t const* stlsoft::c_str_ptr_w ( basic_simple_string< wchar_t, T, A > const &  s  )  [inline]

wchar_t variant of c_str_ptr for basic_simple_string specialisations

References stlsoft::c_str_ptr().

STLSOFT_INLINE int comstl__bstr_compare ( BSTR  s1,
BSTR  s2 

[C only] Compares two BSTR strings

s1 The first BSTR to compare. May be NULL
s2 The second BSTR to compare. May be NULL
An integer value representing the relationship between the strings
Return values:
<0 s1 is lexicographically less than s2
0 s1 is lexicographically equal than s2
>0 s1 is lexicographically greater than s2


Referenced by comstl::bstr_compare(), and comstl__VARIANT_equal().

STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_a ( char const *  s  ) 

[C only] Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_w(), STLSOFT_NS_GLOBAL, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by comstl::bstr_create_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_len_a ( char const *  s,
size_t  len 

[C only] Creates a BSTR from an ANSI string

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_len_w(), COMSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT, STLSOFT_NS_GLOBAL, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by comstl::bstr_create_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_len_w ( wchar_t const *  s,
size_t  len 

[C only] Creates a BSTR from a (part of a) Unicode string

s The string from which to create the BSTR
len The number of characters of s to copy into the result
The created BSTR


Referenced by comstl::bstr_create_w(), and comstl__bstr_create_len_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_create_w ( wchar_t const *  s  ) 

[C only] Creates a BSTR from a Unicode string

s The string from which to create the BSTR
The created BSTR


Referenced by comstl::bstr_create_w(), comstl__bstr_create_a(), and comstl__bstr_dup().

STLSOFT_INLINE void comstl__bstr_destroy ( BSTR  bstr  ) 

[C only] Destroys a BSTR

bstr The BSTR to destroy


Referenced by comstl::bstr_destroy().

STLSOFT_INLINE BSTR comstl__bstr_dup ( BSTR  bstr  ) 

[C only] Duplicates a BSTR

bstr The BSTR to duplicate
The copied BSTR

References comstl__bstr_create_w().

Referenced by comstl::bstr_dup().

STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_create_a ( char const *  s  ) 

[C only] Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References STLSOFT_NS_GLOBAL, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by comstl::olestring_create_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_create_w ( wchar_t const *  s  ) 

[C only] Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References STLSOFT_NS_GLOBAL, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by comstl__olestring_dup(), and comstl::olestring_create_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE void comstl__olestring_destroy ( LPOLESTR  posz  ) 

[C only] Destroys an OLE string

posz The OLE string to destroy

References comstl__CoTaskMemDidAlloc(), COMSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT, STLSOFT_NS_GLOBAL, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by comstl::olestring_destroy().

STLSOFT_INLINE LPOLESTR comstl__olestring_dup ( LPCOLESTR  posz  ) 

[C only] Duplicates an OLE string

posz The OLE string to duplicate
The copied OLE string

References comstl__olestring_create_w().

size_t stlsoft::copy_contents ( C *  dest,
size_t  cchDest,
C const *  src,
size_t  cchSource 
) [inline]

Utility function for copying C-string contents into a caller supplied buffer, which may be NULL to measure the required extent.

dest Pointer to a character buffer that will receive the contents. May be NULL, in which case the function returns cchSource.
cchDest The maximum number of characters to be written into dest.
src Pointer to character buffer whose contents will be copied into dest. May not be NULL.
cchSource The number of characters in src.


Referenced by basic_file_path_buffer< C >::copy().

bool stlsoft::find_next_token ( C const *&  p0,
C const *&  p1,
) [inline]

Adjusts the delimiters into a token string to find the next token, according to the given delimiter.

Processing stops when p1 points to the nul-terminating character

p0 Pointer to the current token in the string. Will be set to the next when the function returns
p1 Pointer to the current token in the string. Will be set to the end of the token when the function returns
delim The delimiter
NULL != p0

NULL != p1

p0 <= p1


C const* stlsoft::find_next_token ( C const *&  p0,
C const *&  p1,
C const *const   end,
) [inline]

Adjusts the delimiters into a token string to find the next token, according to the given delimiter.

Processing stops when p1 is equal to end

p0 Pointer to the current token in the string. Will be set to the next when the function returns
p1 Pointer to the current token in the string. Will be set to the end of the token when the function returns
end The end of the string
delim The delimiter
NULL != p0

NULL != p1

NULL != end

p0 <= p1

p1 <= end


S& stlsoft::make_lower ( S &  s  )  [inline]

Converts all characters in the string to lower case.

References ss_typename_type_k, and stlsoft::to_lower().

Referenced by stlsoft::to_lower().

S& stlsoft::make_upper ( S &  s  )  [inline]

Converts all characters in the string to upper case.

References ss_typename_type_k, and stlsoft::to_upper().

Referenced by stlsoft::to_upper().

LPOLESTR comstl::olestring_create ( wchar_t const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References comstl::olestring_create_w().

LPOLESTR comstl::olestring_create ( char const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References comstl::olestring_create_a().

Referenced by comstl::olestring_dup().

LPOLESTR comstl::olestring_create_a ( char const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates an OLE string from an ANSI string.

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References comstl__olestring_create_a().

Referenced by comstl::olestring_create().

LPOLESTR comstl::olestring_create_w ( wchar_t const *  s  )  [inline]

Creates an OLE string from a Unicode string.

s The string from which to create the OLE string
The created OLE string

References comstl__olestring_create_w().

Referenced by comstl::olestring_create().

void comstl::olestring_destroy ( LPOLESTR  posz  )  [inline]

Destroys an OLE string.

posz The OLE string to destroy

References comstl__olestring_destroy().

Referenced by STATSTG_policy::clear(), and LPOLESTR_policy::clear().

LPOLESTR comstl::olestring_dup ( LPCOLESTR  posz  )  [inline]

Duplicates an OLE string.

posz The OLE string to duplicate
The copied OLE string

References comstl::olestring_create().

Referenced by STATSTG_policy::copy(), and LPOLESTR_policy::copy().

exception_string stlsoft::operator+ ( exception_string const &  lhs,
exception_string const &  rhs 
) [inline]

exception_string stlsoft::operator+ ( exception_string::char_type const *  lhs,
exception_string const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Adds an exception_string to a C-style string.

exception_string stlsoft::operator+ ( exception_string const &  lhs,
exception_string::char_type  rhs 
) [inline]

Adds a character to an exception_string.

exception_string stlsoft::operator+ ( exception_string::char_type  lhs,
exception_string const &  rhs 
) [inline]

Adds an exception_string to a character.

exception_string stlsoft::operator+ ( exception_string const &  lhs,
exception_string::char_type const *  rhs 
) [inline]

Adds a C-style string to an exception_string.

static_array_1d<S, 2> stlsoft::split ( S const &  s,
) [inline]

Splits a string into two, at the first incidence of a delimiter.

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), and stlsoft::c_str_len().

ss_uint_t stlsoft::split ( S1 const &  s,
S2 &  s0,
S2 &  s1,
S2 &  s2,
S2 &  s3,
S2 &  s4,
S2 &  s5 
) [inline]

Splits a string into six, at first five incidences of a delimiter.

The behaviour is undefined if the string instance being split is passed as one or both recipients

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), stlsoft::c_str_len(), and STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT.

ss_uint_t stlsoft::split ( S1 const &  s,
S2 &  s0,
S2 &  s1,
S2 &  s2,
S2 &  s3,
S2 &  s4 
) [inline]

Splits a string into five, at first four incidences of a delimiter.

The behaviour is undefined if the string instance being split is passed as one or both recipients

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), stlsoft::c_str_len(), and STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT.

ss_uint_t stlsoft::split ( S1 const &  s,
S2 &  s0,
S2 &  s1,
S2 &  s2,
S2 &  s3 
) [inline]

Splits a string into four, at first three incidences of a delimiter.

The behaviour is undefined if the string instance being split is passed as one or both recipients

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), stlsoft::c_str_len(), and STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT.

ss_uint_t stlsoft::split ( S1 const &  s,
S2 &  s0,
S2 &  s1,
S2 &  s2 
) [inline]

Splits a string into three, at first two incidences of a delimiter.

The behaviour is undefined if the string instance being split is passed as one or both recipients

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), stlsoft::c_str_len(), and STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT.

bool stlsoft::split ( S1 const &  s,
S2 &  s0,
S2 &  s1 
) [inline]

Splits a string into two, at the first incidence of a delimiter.

The behaviour is undefined if the string instance being split is passed as one or both recipients

References stlsoft::c_str_data(), stlsoft::c_str_len(), and STLSOFT_MESSAGE_ASSERT.

C* stlsoft::string_dup ( C const *  str,
A &  ator,
size_t *  psize = NULL 
) [inline]

Allocates a copy of the string, using the given allocator.

str The string to copy
ator The allocator to use to allocate the memory
psize Pointer to receive the size of the allocated string. May be NULL.
The caller is responsible for the allocated memory, and should free it with ator (or a compatible allocator or memory function).

References stlsoft::c_str_len(), and stlsoft::string_dup().

C* stlsoft::string_dup ( C const *  str,
size_t  cch,
A &  ator 
) [inline]

Allocates a copy of the string, using the given allocator.

str The string to copy
cch The number of elements in str to copy
ator The allocator to use to allocate the memory
The caller is responsible for the allocated memory, and should free it with ator (or a compatible allocator or memory function).

References ss_template_qual_k, ss_typename_type_k, and STLSOFT_SUPPRESS_UNUSED.

Referenced by stlsoft::string_dup().

S stlsoft::to_lower ( S const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns a copy of the source string in which all characters have been converted to lower case.

References stlsoft::make_lower().

Referenced by stlsoft::make_lower().

S stlsoft::to_upper ( S const &  s  )  [inline]

Returns a copy of the source string in which all characters have been converted to upper case.

References stlsoft::make_upper().

Referenced by stlsoft::make_upper().

S& stlsoft::trim_all ( S &  str  )  [inline]

Trims all the leading and trailing whitespace characters, if any, from a string.

References ss_typename_type_k, and STLSOFT_SUPPRESS_UNUSED.

S& stlsoft::trim_left ( S &  str  )  [inline]

Trims all the leading whitespace characters, if any, from a string.

References ss_typename_type_k, and STLSOFT_SUPPRESS_UNUSED.

S& stlsoft::trim_right ( S &  str  )  [inline]

Trims all the trailing whitespace characters, if any, from a string.

References ss_typename_type_k, and STLSOFT_SUPPRESS_UNUSED.

Generated on Thu Jun 10 08:58:19 2010 for STLSoft by  doxygen 1.5.6