inetstl Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The inetstl namespace contains all components in the InetSTL project.

By default, the inetstl namespace is actually an alias for the namespace stlsoft::inetstl_project, which is where all the InetSTL components actually reside. This measure allows all components within the main the STLSoft project (which are defined within the stlsoft namespace) to be visible to all components "within" the inetstl namespace. (Otherwise, there would be a whole lot of onerous qualification throughout the code of all sub-projects.)

If either/both of the symbols _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACES and _INETSTL_NO_NAMESPACE are defined, all InetSTL components will be defined in the global namespace. Conversely, if the _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE symbol (not to be confused with the _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACES symbol!) is defined - meaning that all main project components are to be defined in the global namespace, and _INETSTL_NO_NAMESPACE is not defined, then all InetSTL components will be defined within a bona fide inetstl` namespace.

This is a vestige of compatibility with compilers with no (or no sensible) namespace support that is maintained for reasons of backwards compatiblity and because it is, in rare circumstances, a useful facility.


class  internet_exception
 General exception class for internet-related failures. More...
struct  throw_internet_exception_policy
 The policy class, which throws a internet_exception class. More...
struct  filesystem_traits
 Traits for accessing the correct file-system functions for a given character type. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface over the items on the file-system. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
 Value type for the basic_findfile_sequence. More...
class  basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator
 Iterator type for the basic_findfile_sequence supporting the Input Iterator concept. More...
class  basic_ftpdir_sequence
 STL collection of the files in an FTP directory matching a given pattern. More...
struct  path_compare
 A function class that compares two file-system paths. More...
struct  path_exists
 Predicate that indicates whether a given path exists. More...
class  searchspec_sequence
 Provides multi-pattern functionality over a file-system search sequence class. More...
class  basic_connection
 Represents an internet connection. More...
class  basic_session
 Represents an internet session. More...


basic_findfile_sequence< char,
filesystem_traits< char >
, throw_internet_exception_policy
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.
< wchar_t, filesystem_traits
< wchar_t >
, throw_internet_exception_policy
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
basic_findfile_sequence< TCHAR,
filesystem_traits< TCHAR >
, throw_internet_exception_policy
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence
< char,
filesystem_traits< char > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence
< wchar_t,
filesystem_traits< wchar_t > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_ftpdir_sequence
filesystem_traits< TCHAR > > 
 Specialisation of the basic_ftpdir_sequence template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef char char_a_t
typedef wchar_t char_w_t
typedef is_sint8_t sint8_t
typedef is_uint8_t uint8_t
typedef is_int16_t int16_t
typedef is_sint16_t sint16_t
typedef is_uint16_t uint16_t
typedef is_int32_t int32_t
typedef is_sint32_t sint32_t
typedef is_uint32_t uint32_t
typedef int int_t
typedef is_sint_t sint_t
typedef is_uint_t uint_t
typedef is_long_t long_t
typedef is_byte_t byte_t
typedef bool bool_t
typedef is_streampos_t streampos_t
typedef is_streamoff_t streamoff_t
typedef basic_connection< char > connection_a
 Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_connection< wchar_t > connection_w
 Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_connection< TCHAR > connection
 Specialisation of the basic_connection template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.
typedef basic_session< char > session_a
 Specialisation of the basic_session template for the ANSI character type char.
typedef basic_session< wchar_t > session_w
 Specialisation of the basic_session template for the Unicode character type wchar_t.
typedef basic_session< TCHAR > session
 Specialisation of the basic_session template for the Win32 character type TCHAR.


template<typename C, typename T, typename X, typename V>
bool operator== (basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator< C, T, X, V > const &lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator< C, T, X, V > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X, typename V>
bool operator!= (basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator< C, T, X, V > const &lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_const_input_iterator< C, T, X, V > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator== (basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator== (basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &lhs, C const *rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator== (C const *lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator!= (basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator!= (basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &lhs, C const *rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
bool operator!= (C const *lhs, basic_findfile_sequence_value_type< C, T, X > const &rhs)
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
C const * c_str_data (inetstl_ns_qual(basic_findfile_sequence_value_type)< C, T, X > const &v)
 c_str_data String Access Shim for inetstl::basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
size_t c_str_len (inetstl_ns_qual(basic_findfile_sequence_value_type)< C, T, X > const &v)
 c_str_len String Access Shim for inetstl::basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
C const * c_str_ptr (inetstl_ns_qual(basic_findfile_sequence_value_type)< C, T, X > const &v)
 c_str_ptr String Access Shim for inetstl::basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
template<typename C, typename T, typename X>
C const * c_str_ptr_null (inetstl_ns_qual(basic_findfile_sequence_value_type)< C, T, X > const &v)
 c_str_ptr_null String Access Shim for inetstl::basic_findfile_sequence_value_type
template<typename T>
void call_set_null (T *&pt, void(T::*F)())
template<typename C, typename X, typename T>
HINTERNET get_handle (basic_connection< C, X, T > &s)
template<typename C, typename X, typename T>
HINTERNET get_handle (basic_session< C, X, T > &s)
< char, 16 > 
c_str_data_a (struct in_addr const &addr)
size_t c_str_len_a (struct in_addr const &addr)
< char, 16 > 
c_str_ptr_a (struct in_addr const &addr)
< char, 16 > 
c_str_data_a (struct in_addr const *addr)
size_t c_str_len_a (struct in_addr const *addr)
< char, 16 > 
c_str_ptr_a (struct in_addr const *addr)

Typedef Documentation

typedef bool bool_t

Boolean type

typedef is_byte_t byte_t

byte type

typedef char char_a_t

Ansi char type

typedef wchar_t char_w_t

Unicode char type

Specialisation of the basic_findfile_sequence template for the ANSI character type char.

typedef is_int16_t int16_t

16-bit integer

typedef is_int32_t int32_t

32-bit integer

typedef int int_t


typedef is_long_t long_t

long integer

typedef is_sint16_t sint16_t

16-bit signed integer

typedef is_sint32_t sint32_t

32-bit signed integer

typedef is_sint8_t sint8_t

8-bit signed integer

typedef is_sint_t sint_t

signed integer

typedef is_streamoff_t streamoff_t


typedef is_streampos_t streampos_t


typedef is_uint16_t uint16_t

16-bit unsigned integer

typedef is_uint32_t uint32_t

32-bit unsigned integer

typedef is_uint8_t uint8_t

8-bit unsigned integer

typedef is_uint_t uint_t

unsigned integer

Generated on Thu Jun 10 08:58:27 2010 for STLSoft by  doxygen 1.5.6