Windows Controls Library

Detailed Description

Created: 26th May 2006 Updated: 13th March 2007.

This library contains classes and functions for manipulation of the Windows Controls.

The Windows Controls is XXX XXX XXX. The Windows Controls Library provides a suite of classes that represent these entities and provide facilities for accessing, enumerating and modifying them:


class  combobox_sequence
 STL-like sequence for combo-box contents. More...
struct  listview_inserter
 A function class used to insert items into list views. More...
struct  treeview_inserter
 A function class used to insert items into tree views. More...
class  dialog_button_id_check
 Functor used to (un)check buttons. More...
class  edit_line_sequence
 STL-like sequence for edit control contents. More...
class  button_check
 Functor used to (un)check buttons. More...
class  is_checked
 Predicate used to indicate the check-state of buttons. More...
class  is_class
 Predicate used to detect whether the window is of a given class. More...
struct  listbox_front_inserter
 A function class used to insert items at the front of list-box. More...
struct  listbox_add_inserter
 A function class used to add items to a list-box. More...
struct  listbox_back_inserter
 A function class used to insert items to the back of a list-box. More...
struct  combobox_front_inserter
 A function class used to insert items at the front of combo-box. More...
struct  combobox_add_inserter
 A function class used to add items to a combo-box. More...
struct  combobox_back_inserter
 A function class used to insert items to the back of a combo-box. More...
class  listbox_const_iterator
 Iterator for listbox_sequence class. More...
class  listbox_data_const_iterator
 Iterator for listbox_sequence class. More...
class  listbox_data_sequence
 STL-like sequence for list-box contents. More...
class  listbox_sequence
 STL-like sequence for list-box contents. More...
class  listview_sequence_item
 Item class used by the listview_sequence class. More...
class  listview_sequence
 Provides an STL-like sequence over the contents of a Windows List-view ("SysListView32"). More...
class  treeview_sequence_const_iterator
 Iterator for the treeview_child_sequence, treeview_peer_sequence and treeview_visible_sequence classes. More...
class  treeview_sequence_base
 Base class for the treeview_child_sequence, treeview_peer_sequence and treeview_visible_sequence classes. More...
class  treeview_child_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface to the children of a given node in a tree-view. More...
class  treeview_peer_sequence
 brief Presents an STL-like sequence interface to the peers of a given node in a tree-view More...
class  treeview_visible_sequence
 Presents an STL-like sequence interface to the visible items in a tree-view. More...


typedef listview_inserter< false > listview_front_inserter
 A function class used to insert items at the front of list-views.
typedef listview_inserter< true > listview_back_inserter
 A function class used to insert items at the back of list-views.


STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getnextitem (HWND hwnd, HTREEITEM hitem, UINT flag)
 Gets the next item in the tree view.
STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getchilditem (HWND hwnd, HTREEITEM hitem)
 Gets the tree view child item.
STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getrootitem (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the tree view root item.
STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getcaretitem (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the tree view caret item.
HTREEITEM treeview_getnextitem (HWND hwnd, HTREEITEM hitem, UINT flag)
 Gets the next item in the tree view.
HTREEITEM treeview_getchilditem (HWND hwnd, HTREEITEM hitem)
 Gets the tree view child item.
HTREEITEM treeview_getrootitem (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the tree view root item.
HTREEITEM treeview_getcaretitem (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the tree view caret item.
STLSOFT_INLINE void winstl__setchildfont_ (HWND hwnd, HWND hwndParent)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateStaticA (HWND hwndParent, char const *name, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateStaticW (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *name, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateStaticFrame (HWND hwndParent, DWORD frameStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateEditA (HWND hwndParent, char const *text, DWORD editStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateEditW (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *text, DWORD editStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateCheckboxA (HWND hwndParent, char const *name, DWORD buttonStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE HWND winstl__CreateCheckboxW (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *name, DWORD buttonStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateStatic (HWND hwndParent, char const *name, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateStatic (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *name, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateEdit (HWND hwndParent, char const *text, DWORD editStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateEdit (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *text, DWORD editStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateCheckbox (HWND hwndParent, char const *name, DWORD buttonStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
HWND winstl__CreateCheckbox (HWND hwndParent, wchar_t const *name, DWORD buttonStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateStatic (HWND hwndParent, S const &name, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateStatic (HWND hwndParent, S const &name, RECT const &rc, int id)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateEdit (HWND hwndParent, S const &text, DWORD editStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateEdit (HWND hwndParent, S const &text, DWORD editStyle, RECT const &rc, int id)
HWND CreateStaticFrame (HWND hwndParent, DWORD frameStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id=-1)
HWND CreateStaticFrame (HWND hwndParent, DWORD frameStyle, RECT const &rc, int id=-1)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateCheckbox (HWND hwndParent, S const &name, DWORD buttonStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int id)
template<typename S>
HWND CreateCheckbox (HWND hwndParent, S const &name, DWORD buttonStyle, RECT const &rc, int id)
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds an ANSI string to a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a Unicode string to a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring (HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR s)
 Adds a string (in the ambient char-encoding) to a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts an ANSI string into a combo-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a Unicode string into a combo-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR s, int index)
 Inserts a string (in the ambient char-encoding) into a combo-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettextlen (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the text length of an item in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext_a (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext_w (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, LPCSTR s)
 Gets the text (in the ambient char-encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE ws_dword_t winstl__combobox_getitemdata (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the data value associated with an item in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of items in a combo-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds an ANSI string to a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a Unicode string to a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring (HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR s)
 Adds a string (in the ambient char-encoding) to a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts an ANSI string into a list-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a Unicode string into a list-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR s, int index)
 Inserts a string (in the ambient char-encoding) into a list-box at the given index.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettextlen (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the text length of an item in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext_a (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext_w (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, LPCSTR s)
 Gets the text (in the ambient char-encoding) of an item in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE ws_dword_t winstl__listbox_getitemdata (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the data value associated with an item in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of items in a list-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of lines in an edit-box.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_linelength (HWND hwnd, int charIndex)
 Gets the length of the line in which the given character resides.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getline_a (HWND hwnd, int lineIndex, char *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets a copy of the text of the given line.
STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getline_w (HWND hwnd, int lineIndex, wchar_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets a copy of the text of the given line.
int combobox_addstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds an ANSI string to a combo-box.
int combobox_addstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a Unicode string to a combo-box.
int combobox_addstring (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds a string to a combo-box.
int combobox_addstring (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a string to a combo-box.
template<typename S>
int combobox_addstring (HWND hwnd, S const &s)
 Adds a string to a combo-box.
int combobox_insertstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts an ANSI string into a combo-box at the given index.
int combobox_insertstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a Unicode string into a combo-box at the given index.
int combobox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.
int combobox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.
template<typename S>
int combobox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, S const &s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.
int combobox_gettextlen (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the text length of an item in a combo-box.
int combobox_gettext_a (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
int combobox_gettext_w (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
int combobox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text of an item in a combo-box.
int combobox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.
ws_dword_t combobox_getitemdata (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the data value associated with an item in a combo-box.
int combobox_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of items in a combo-box.
int listbox_addstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds an ANSI string to a list-box.
int listbox_addstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a Unicode string to a list-box.
int listbox_addstring (HWND hwnd, char const *s)
 Adds a string to a list-box.
int listbox_addstring (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s)
 Adds a string to a list-box.
template<typename S>
int listbox_addstring (HWND hwnd, S const &s)
 Adds a string to a list-box.
int listbox_insertstring_a (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts an ANSI string into a list-box at the given index.
int listbox_insertstring_w (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a Unicode string into a list-box at the given index.
int listbox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, char const *s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.
int listbox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, wchar_t const *s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.
template<typename S>
int listbox_insertstring (HWND hwnd, S const &s, int index)
 Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.
int listbox_gettextlen (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the text length of an item in a list-box.
int listbox_gettext_a (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a list-box.
int listbox_gettext_w (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.
int listbox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, char *s)
 Gets the text of an item in a list-box.
int listbox_gettext (HWND hwnd, int index, wchar_t *s)
 Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.
ws_dword_t listbox_getitemdata (HWND hwnd, int index)
 Gets the data value associated with an item in a list-box.
int listbox_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of items in a list-box.
int edit_getcount (HWND hwnd)
 Gets the number of lines in an edit-box.
int edit_linelength (HWND hwnd, int charIndex)
 Gets the length of the line in which the given character resides.
int edit_getline (HWND hwnd, int lineIndex, char *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets a copy of the text of the given line.
int edit_getline (HWND hwnd, int lineIndex, wchar_t *buffer, size_t cchBuffer)
 Gets a copy of the text of the given line.

Typedef Documentation

typedef listview_inserter<true> listview_back_inserter

A function class used to insert items at the back of list-views.

typedef listview_inserter<false> listview_front_inserter

A function class used to insert items at the front of list-views.

Function Documentation

int winstl::combobox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
S const &  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a combo-box.

References winstl::combobox_addstring(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

int winstl::combobox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_addstring_w().

int winstl::combobox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_addstring_a().

Referenced by winstl::combobox_addstring().

int winstl::combobox_addstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds an ANSI string to a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_addstring_a().

int winstl::combobox_addstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a Unicode string to a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_addstring_w().

int winstl::combobox_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  )  [inline]

Gets the number of items in a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_getcount().

ws_dword_t winstl::combobox_getitemdata ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 
) [inline]

Gets the data value associated with an item in a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_getitemdata().

int winstl::combobox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References winstl::combobox_gettext_w().

int winstl::combobox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text of an item in a combo-box.

References winstl::combobox_gettext_a().

int winstl::combobox_gettext_a ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_gettext_a().

Referenced by winstl::combobox_gettext().

int winstl::combobox_gettext_w ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_gettext_w().

Referenced by winstl::combobox_gettext().

int winstl::combobox_gettextlen ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 
) [inline]

Gets the text length of an item in a combo-box.

References winstl__combobox_gettextlen().

int winstl::combobox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
S const &  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.

References winstl::combobox_insertstring_a(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

int winstl::combobox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.

References winstl__combobox_insertstring_w().

int winstl::combobox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a combo-box at the given index.

References winstl__combobox_insertstring_a().

int winstl::combobox_insertstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts an ANSI string into a combo-box at the given index.

References winstl__combobox_insertstring_a().

Referenced by winstl::combobox_insertstring().

int winstl::combobox_insertstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a Unicode string into a combo-box at the given index.

References winstl__combobox_insertstring_w().

int winstl::edit_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  )  [inline]

Gets the number of lines in an edit-box.

References winstl__edit_getcount().

int winstl::edit_getline ( HWND  hwnd,
int  lineIndex,
wchar_t *  buffer,
size_t  cchBuffer 
) [inline]

Gets a copy of the text of the given line.

References winstl__edit_getline_w().

int winstl::edit_getline ( HWND  hwnd,
int  lineIndex,
char *  buffer,
size_t  cchBuffer 
) [inline]

Gets a copy of the text of the given line.

References winstl__edit_getline_a().

int winstl::edit_linelength ( HWND  hwnd,
int  charIndex 
) [inline]

Gets the length of the line in which the given character resides.

References winstl__edit_linelength().

int winstl::listbox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
S const &  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a list-box.

References winstl::listbox_addstring(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

int winstl::listbox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_addstring_w().

int winstl::listbox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a string to a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_addstring_a().

Referenced by winstl::listbox_addstring().

int winstl::listbox_addstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds an ANSI string to a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_addstring_a().

int winstl::listbox_addstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 
) [inline]

Adds a Unicode string to a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_addstring_w().

int winstl::listbox_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  )  [inline]

Gets the number of items in a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_getcount().

ws_dword_t winstl::listbox_getitemdata ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 
) [inline]

Gets the data value associated with an item in a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_getitemdata().

int winstl::listbox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References winstl::listbox_gettext_w().

int winstl::listbox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text of an item in a list-box.

References winstl::listbox_gettext_a().

int winstl::listbox_gettext_a ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_gettext_a().

Referenced by winstl::listbox_gettext().

int winstl::listbox_gettext_w ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 
) [inline]

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_gettext_w().

Referenced by winstl::listbox_gettext().

int winstl::listbox_gettextlen ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 
) [inline]

Gets the text length of an item in a list-box.

References winstl__listbox_gettextlen().

int winstl::listbox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
S const &  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.

References winstl::listbox_insertstring_a(), and stlsoft_ns_qual.

int winstl::listbox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.

References winstl__listbox_insertstring_w().

int winstl::listbox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a string into a list-box at the given index.

References winstl__listbox_insertstring_a().

int winstl::listbox_insertstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts an ANSI string into a list-box at the given index.

References winstl__listbox_insertstring_a().

Referenced by winstl::listbox_insertstring().

int winstl::listbox_insertstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts a Unicode string into a list-box at the given index.

References winstl__listbox_insertstring_w().

HTREEITEM winstl::treeview_getcaretitem ( HWND  hwnd  )  [inline]

Gets the tree view caret item.

hwnd The tree view window handle

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

HTREEITEM winstl::treeview_getchilditem ( HWND  hwnd,
) [inline]

Gets the tree view child item.

hwnd The tree view window handle
hitem The tree view item whose child is to be retrieved

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

HTREEITEM winstl::treeview_getnextitem ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  flag 
) [inline]

Gets the next item in the tree view.

hwnd The tree view window handle
hitem The tree view item
flag One of the TVGN_* search flags

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

HTREEITEM winstl::treeview_getrootitem ( HWND  hwnd  )  [inline]

Gets the tree view root item.

hwnd The tree view window handle

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,

Adds a string (in the ambient char-encoding) to a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 

Adds an ANSI string to a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_addstring(), and winstl::combobox_addstring_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_addstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 

Adds a Unicode string to a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_addstring(), and winstl::combobox_addstring_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Gets the number of items in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_getcount().

STLSOFT_INLINE ws_dword_t winstl__combobox_getitemdata ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Gets the data value associated with an item in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_getitemdata().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,

Gets the text (in the ambient char-encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext_a ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 

Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_gettext_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettext_w ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_gettext_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_gettextlen ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Gets the text length of an item in a combo-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_gettextlen().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Inserts a string (in the ambient char-encoding) into a combo-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 

Inserts an ANSI string into a combo-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_insertstring(), and winstl::combobox_insertstring_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__combobox_insertstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 

Inserts a Unicode string into a combo-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::combobox_insertstring(), and winstl::combobox_insertstring_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Gets the number of lines in an edit-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::edit_getcount().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getline_a ( HWND  hwnd,
int  lineIndex,
char *  buffer,
size_t  cchBuffer 

Gets a copy of the text of the given line.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, stlsoft_static_cast, and WINSTL_ASSERT.

Referenced by winstl::edit_getline().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_getline_w ( HWND  hwnd,
int  lineIndex,
wchar_t *  buffer,
size_t  cchBuffer 

Gets a copy of the text of the given line.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, stlsoft_static_cast, and WINSTL_ASSERT.

Referenced by winstl::edit_getline().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__edit_linelength ( HWND  hwnd,
int  charIndex 

Gets the length of the line in which the given character resides.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::edit_linelength().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring ( HWND  hwnd,

Adds a string (in the ambient char-encoding) to a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s 

Adds an ANSI string to a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_addstring(), and winstl::listbox_addstring_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_addstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s 

Adds a Unicode string to a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_addstring(), and winstl::listbox_addstring_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_getcount ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Gets the number of items in a list-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_getcount().

STLSOFT_INLINE ws_dword_t winstl__listbox_getitemdata ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Gets the data value associated with an item in a list-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_getitemdata().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,

Gets the text (in the ambient char-encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext_a ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
char *  s 

Gets the text (in ANSI encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_gettext_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettext_w ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index,
wchar_t *  s 

Gets the text (in Unicode encoding) of an item in a list-box.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_gettext_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_gettextlen ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Gets the text length of an item in a list-box.

References stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_gettextlen().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring ( HWND  hwnd,
int  index 

Inserts a string (in the ambient char-encoding) into a list-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring_a ( HWND  hwnd,
char const *  s,
int  index 

Inserts an ANSI string into a list-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_insertstring(), and winstl::listbox_insertstring_a().

STLSOFT_INLINE int winstl__listbox_insertstring_w ( HWND  hwnd,
wchar_t const *  s,
int  index 

Inserts a Unicode string into a list-box at the given index.

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::listbox_insertstring(), and winstl::listbox_insertstring_w().

STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getcaretitem ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Gets the tree view caret item.

hwnd The tree view window handle

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getchilditem ( HWND  hwnd,

Gets the tree view child item.

hwnd The tree view window handle
hitem The tree view item whose child is to be retrieved

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getnextitem ( HWND  hwnd,
UINT  flag 

Gets the next item in the tree view.

hwnd The tree view window handle
hitem The tree view item
flag One of the TVGN_* search flags

References stlsoft_reinterpret_cast, and stlsoft_static_cast.

Referenced by winstl::treeview_getcaretitem(), winstl::treeview_getchilditem(), winstl::treeview_getnextitem(), winstl::treeview_getrootitem(), winstl__treeview_getcaretitem(), winstl__treeview_getchilditem(), and winstl__treeview_getrootitem().

STLSOFT_INLINE HTREEITEM winstl__treeview_getrootitem ( HWND  hwnd  ) 

Gets the tree view root item.

hwnd The tree view window handle

References winstl__treeview_getnextitem().

Generated on Thu Jun 10 08:58:20 2010 for STLSoft by  doxygen 1.5.6