Functional Library

Detailed Description

Created: 12th December 2006 Updated: 11th January 2007.

This library defines file system components.

The function classes provided by the STLSoft libraries include:


struct  com_SUCCEEDED_tester_1_stdcall
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_SUCCEEDED_tester_2_stdcall
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_S_OK_tester_1_stdcall
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_S_OK_tester_2_stdcall
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_SUCCEEDED_tester_1_cdecl
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_SUCCEEDED_tester_2_cdecl
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_S_OK_tester_1_cdecl
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  com_S_OK_tester_2_cdecl
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to COM functions, that will cause them to act as predicates. More...
struct  interface_release
 A function class that releases COM interfaces. More...
struct  interface_addref
 A function class that adds references to COM interfaces. More...
struct  BSTR_close
 A function class that closes BSTRs. More...
struct  olestring_close
 A function class that closes OLE strings. More...
struct  task_memory_close
 A function class that closes task memory blocks. More...
struct  VARIANT_close
 A function class that closes VARIANTs. More...
struct  any_of_tester
 Composite predicate providing logical OR for two individual predicate types. More...
struct  all_of_tester
 Composite predicate providing logical AND for two individual predicate types. More...
struct  equal_ptr
 Predicate used to test the equivalence of pointers. More...
struct  unary_fastcall_function_pointer
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention. More...
struct  binary_fastcall_function_pointer
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention. More...
struct  unary_stdcall_function_pointer
 A unary function adaptor for pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention. More...
struct  binary_stdcall_function_pointer
 A binary function adaptor for pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention. More...
struct  fastcall_mem_fun_t
 A function class that invokes a fastcall calling convention 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  fastcall_mem_fun_const_t
 A function class that invokes a fastcall calling convention 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  stdcall_mem_fun_t
 A function class that invokes a stdcall calling convention 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  stdcall_mem_fun_const_t
 A function class that invokes a stdcall calling convention 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  fastcall_mem_fun_ref_t
 A function class that invokes a fastcall calling convention 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  fastcall_mem_fun_ref_const_t
 A function class that invokes a fastcall calling convention 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  stdcall_mem_fun_ref_t
 A function class that invokes a stdcall calling convention 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  stdcall_mem_fun_ref_const_t
 A function class that invokes a stdcall calling convention 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function on its pointer argument. More...
struct  noop_function
 This functional performs no operation at all, and is simply a place-holder. More...
struct  unary_procedure_adaptor
 Adapts a unary function into a unary procedure - one in which the return type of the function call operator is void. More...
struct  binary_procedure_adaptor
 Adapts a biary function into a unary procedure - one in which the return type of the function call operator is void. More...
struct  message_send
 Functor used to send a message to windows. More...
struct  message_post
 Functor used to post a message to windows. More...
struct  is_visible
 Predicate used to determine whether windows are visible. More...
struct  is_enabled
 Predicate used to determine whether windows are enabled. More...
struct  window_show
 Functor used to show or hide windows. More...
struct  window_enable
 Functor used to enable or disable windows. More...


template<typename A0>
com_SUCCEEDED_tester_1_cdecl< A0 > com_SUCCEEDED (HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
< A0, A1 > 
com_SUCCEEDED (HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
< A0, A1 > 
com_SUCCEEDED (HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename A0>
com_S_OK_tester_1_cdecl< A0 > com_S_OK (HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
com_S_OK_tester_2_stdcall< A0, A1 > com_S_OK (HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
com_S_OK_tester_2_cdecl< A0, A1 > com_S_OK (HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
template<typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
< R, A0, A1 > 
ptr_fun (R(__fastcall *func)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention.
template<typename R, typename A>
< R, A > 
ptr_fun (R(__stdcall *func)(A))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention.
template<typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
< R, A0, A1 > 
ptr_fun (R(__stdcall *func)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention.
template<typename A>
< void, A > 
ptr_fun_void (void(__fastcall *func)(A))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention that have a void return type.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
< void, A0, A1 > 
ptr_fun_void (void(__fastcall *func)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention that have a void return type.
template<typename A>
< void, A > 
ptr_fun_void (void(__stdcall *func)(A))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention that have a void return type.
template<typename A0, typename A1>
< void, A0, A1 > 
ptr_fun_void (void(__stdcall *func)(A0, A1))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention that have a void return type.
template<typename R, typename T>
fastcall_mem_fun_t< R, T > mem_fun (R(__fastcallT::*func)())
 Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.
template<typename R, typename T>
stdcall_mem_fun_t< R, T > mem_fun (R(__stdcallT::*func)())
 Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.
template<typename R, typename T>
fastcall_mem_fun_ref_t< R, T > mem_fun_ref (R(__fastcallT::*func)())
 Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.
template<typename R, typename T>
stdcall_mem_fun_ref_t< R, T > mem_fun_ref (R(__stdcallT::*func)())
 Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.
template<typename F>
unary_procedure_adaptor< F > adapt_unary_procedure (F func)
 Creator function for the unary_procedure_adaptor.
template<typename F>
binary_procedure_adaptor< F > adapt_binary_procedure (F func)
 Creator function for the binary_procedure_adaptor.


< A0 > 
com_SUCCEEDED (HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
com_S_OK_tester_1_stdcall< A0 > com_S_OK (HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.
< R, A > 
ptr_fun (R(__fastcall *func)(A))
 Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention.

Function Documentation

binary_procedure_adaptor<F> stlsoft::adapt_binary_procedure ( func  )  [inline]

Creator function for the binary_procedure_adaptor.

unary_procedure_adaptor<F> stlsoft::adapt_unary_procedure ( func  )  [inline]

Creator function for the unary_procedure_adaptor.

com_S_OK_tester_2_cdecl<A0, A1> comstl::com_S_OK ( HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_S_OK_tester_2_stdcall<A0, A1> comstl::com_S_OK ( HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_S_OK_tester_1_cdecl<A0> comstl::com_S_OK ( HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_SUCCEEDED_tester_2_cdecl<A0, A1> comstl::com_SUCCEEDED ( HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_SUCCEEDED_tester_2_stdcall<A0, A1> comstl::com_SUCCEEDED ( HRESULT(__stdcall *pfn)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_SUCCEEDED_tester_1_cdecl<A0> comstl::com_SUCCEEDED ( HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

stdcall_mem_fun_const_t< R, T > mem_fun ( R(__stdcallT::*)()  func  )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.

fastcall_mem_fun_const_t< R, T > mem_fun ( R(__fastcallT::*)()  func  )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function, for use with a pointer to the class.

stdcall_mem_fun_ref_const_t< R, T > mem_fun_ref ( R(__stdcallT::*)()  func  )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.

fastcall_mem_fun_ref_const_t< R, T > mem_fun_ref ( R(__fastcallT::*)()  func  )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter mutating (non-const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.

Creator function to adapt a pointer to a 0-parameter non-mutating (const) member function, for use with a reference to the class.

binary_stdcall_function_pointer<R, A0, A1> stlsoft::ptr_fun ( R(__stdcall *func)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention.

unary_stdcall_function_pointer<R, A> stlsoft::ptr_fun ( R(__stdcall *func)(A)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention.

binary_fastcall_function_pointer<R, A0, A1> stlsoft::ptr_fun ( R(__fastcall *func)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention.

binary_stdcall_function_pointer<void, A0, A1> stlsoft::ptr_fun_void ( void(__stdcall *func)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention that have a void return type.

unary_stdcall_function_pointer<void, A> stlsoft::ptr_fun_void ( void(__stdcall *func)(A)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention that have a void return type.

binary_fastcall_function_pointer<void, A0, A1> stlsoft::ptr_fun_void ( void(__fastcall *func)(A0, A1)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention that have a void return type.

unary_fastcall_function_pointer<void, A> stlsoft::ptr_fun_void ( void(__fastcall *func)(A)   )  [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention that have a void return type.

Variable Documentation

com_S_OK_tester_2_cdecl<A0, A1> com_S_OK(HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1)) [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

com_SUCCEEDED_tester_2_cdecl<A0, A1> com_SUCCEEDED(HRESULT(1 *pfn)(A0, A1)) [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to unary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

Creator function to adapt pointers to binary COM functions, causing them to act as predicates.

binary_stdcall_function_pointer<R, A0, A1> ptr_fun(R(__stdcall *func)(A0, A1)) [inline]

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with FastCall (__fastcall) calling convention.

Creator function to adapt pointers to functions with StdCall (__stdcall) calling convention.

Generated on Thu Jun 10 08:58:18 2010 for STLSoft by  doxygen 1.5.6