
[C++ only] Illustrates use of the Windows ToolHelp library module_sequence component. This function enumerates all the currently loaded modules in the executing process, and displays the module handle and the file name.

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 * File:        by_library/toolhelp/module_sequence/module_sequence.cpp
 * Purpose:     C++ example program demonstrating use of the ToolHelp library.
 * Created:     22nd May 2006
 * Updated:     11th April 2007
 * www:
 * License:     Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Synesis Software Pty Ltd.
 *              All rights reserved.
 *              (Licensed under the Synesis Software Open License)
 *              This source code is placed into the public domain 2006
 *              by Synesis Software Pty Ltd. There are no restrictions
 *              whatsoever to your use of the software.
 * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* WinSTL Header Files */
#include <winstl/toolhelp/module_sequence.hpp>

/* Standard C++ Header Files */
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>

using std::cerr;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

/* Standard C Header Files */
#include <stdlib.h> // for EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS

/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

int main()
        // 1. Construct an instance of module_sequence. There is no parameter
        // required for module_sequence.
        winstl::module_sequence    modules;

        // 2. Declare iterator instances (since we're using a manual loop, 
        // rather than an algorithm).
        winstl::module_sequence::const_iterator    b   =   modules.begin();
        winstl::module_sequence::const_iterator    e   =   modules.end();

        // 3. Loop through the range.
        for(; b != e; ++b)
            // 3.1. Print out the module handle and the file name.
            cout << (*b).hModule << ": " << (*b).szExePath << endl;

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    catch(std::exception &x)
        cerr << "Error: " << x.what() << endl;

        return EXIT_FAILURE;
        cerr << "Unknown error" << endl;

        return EXIT_FAILURE;

/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

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